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​Cassandra Stauffer is a Lutheran Campus Ministries vocational intern at Zion Lutheran Church during the 2016-2017 academic year. She was born and raised in Minot, ND, and is a senior at Minot State University. At Minot State, Cassie is studying Art Education and Elementary Education. In her free-time she enjoys reading, painting, and  dancing. As a Vocational Intern, Cassie hopes to discover how God can use her gifts to serve this congregation and others through the arts. Her goal is to help others see the importance of arts in the church and in their daily lives.

Cassandra Stauffer

Zion Lutheran Church

Zion Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation in Minot, ND that support Lutheran Campus Ministries Vocational Internship program. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹More information about the church can be found at their website:​

​OUR PURPOSE: Loved by God – Living out the Love of Jesus​

growing spiritually to be more like Jesus
actively caring for one another
welcoming and inviting all people
giving generously to join in God’s work
joyfully serving as Christ’s hands and feet

living faithfully in daily life

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